Health Insurance for Israeli Residents in Spain

Welcome to the health insurance for foreigners, required to obtain a residence permit at Spain's immigration offices.


Who is eligible for this health insurance for foreigners?

  • Schengen Area European citizens staying in Spain for more than three months without an employment contract.
  • Non-EU migrants applying for a residence permit, planning to stay in Spain for more than 90 days.

This health insurance for foreigners includes no copayments and no waiting periods, as required by Spanish law to issue visas and extend residence cards. In other words, it provides the medical coverage needed to obtain a NIE (Foreigner Identification Number).


Key features of this health insurance for foreigners in Spain include:

  • Nationwide medical network throughout Spain
  • Emergency medical coverage for trips abroad up to 9,000 €
  • Unlimited repatriation
  • Medical emergencies abroad up to 15,000 €
  • Dental coverage
  • Preventive medicine programs
  • Second opinion for diagnoses


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This refers to the birth date of the main person being insured. - Se refiere a la fecha de nacimiento de la persona principal asegurada
This refers to whether you would like to include any family members who rely on you, such as children or a spouse, in your insurance policy. These individuals would receive coverage under the same plan. - Esto se refiere a si deseas incluir en tu póliza de seguro a familiares que dependan de ti, como hijos o cónyuge. Estas personas estarían cubiertas bajo el mismo plan de seguro.
The inception date refers to the day the insurance coverage begins. For this policy, the start date must be set on the 1st day of any given month. - La fecha de efecto se refiere al día en que comienza la cobertura del seguro. En esta póliza, la fecha de inicio debe fijarse el día 1 de cualquier mes.
The place of residence refers to the address where you currently live or where you are legally residing. It is important to provide your full and accurate address, including street name, city, and country. - La dirección de residencia se refiere al lugar donde vives actualmente o donde resides legalmente. Es importante proporcionar tu dirección completa y exacta, incluyendo el nombre de la calle, ciudad y país.
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Coberturas que pueden estar disponibles en función de la configuración del seguro que eligas

Type of Coverage

Type of coverage, indicating no extra payments (copays) for medical services.

Number of Professionals and Centers

The number of medical professionals and centers available within the insurance network.

Contract Duration

The duration of the policy, usually renewed annually.

General Medicine

General medical consultations for common health issues.


Medical care for children and adolescents.


Nursing services such as injections, wound care, etc.

Home Emergencies

Home visits for emergencies at any time (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).


Specialized care for heart-related issues.


Specialized care for skin conditions.

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Medical care related to female reproductive health and pregnancy.


Specialized care for eye health and vision issues.


Treatment for cancer and related health conditions.


Mental health treatment, including hospital stays for acute psychiatric conditions.

Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy

Physical therapy and rehabilitation sessions prescribed by a doctor, with no specific limit on the number of sessions.

Medical & Surgical

Hospital stays for medical treatments or surgeries, with a private room and a bed for a companion.

ICU (Intensive Care Unit)

Intensive care unit services for critical conditions.

Psychiatric Hospitalization

Hospitalization for mental health crises such as acute psychiatric episodes.

Day Hospital

Hospital services that don’t require an overnight stay, usually for treatments or surgeries where patients can return home the same day.


Coverage for pregnancy, childbirth preparation, and post-birth follow-ups.

Clinical Analysis

Laboratory tests and bloodwork.

Access to Non-Referral Specialists

Ability to see specialists without needing a referral from a general practitioner.


Online medical consultations via phone or video chat, available at any time.

Second Medical Opinion

Service that allows patients to get a second medical opinion for serious conditions.

Wellness & Prevention Programs

Health and wellness programs designed to promote overall well-being, such as check-ups or fitness plans.

Drug Coverage

Adeslas offers discounts on medications at partner pharmacies, while Sanitas reimburses part of the cost of prescription medications.
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